(716) 562-8752
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We are in business to protect your data and we make it a priority to take our users’ security and privacy concerns seriously. We strive to ensure that user data is kept securely, and that we collect only as much personal data as is required to provide our services to users in an efficient and effective manner.


Additonaly, Chabad CRM uses some of the most advanced technology for Internet security that is commercially available today. 



  • User Passwords: User application passwords have minimum complexity requirements. Passwords are individually salted and hashed.


  • Data Encryption: While most application only encrypt sertain sensitive user data, such as credit card details and account passwords. We encrypt all the data in your database.


  • Data Portability: Chabad Management enables you to export your data from our system in a variety of formats so that you can back it up, or use it with other applications.


  • SSL/TLS Encryption: All communications with the chabad management website are sent over SSL/TLS connections. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) technology (the successor technology to SSL) protect communications by using both server authentication and data encryption. This ensures that user data in transit is safe, secure, and available only to intended recipients.


  • User Authentication: User data on our database is logically segregated by account-based access rules. User accounts have unique usernames and passwords that must be entered each time a user logs on. Chabad Management issues a session cookie only to record encrypted authentication information for the duration of a specific session. The session cookie does not include the password of the user.


Our Clients

Chabad Palm Beach Jewish Camp Arts Chabad Sauveur Chabad of West Side Bais Menachem Beth Habad joinville chabadsouthafrica Chabad of Brentwood Chabad Fox Chapel chabad S. Clemente Chabad Loft Lubavitch Cypress Chabad Boca Raton Chabad Columbia Univ Chabad of Monsey Chabad SW Coral Chabad Youth Chabad Tucson Chabad Oxford Chabad NSW Young Adult Chabad Jewish Malibu Cheder Lubavitch Bais Menachem North Shore Chabad St. Maarten Jewish Salem Nefesh Shul Saint Maur France Chabad Glen Aira http://www.ccare.org Chabad Jewish Center Chabad of SIU Chicago Jewish Teens chabad of Jamaica i Chabad and F.R.E.E. chabad of west davie Chabad of South Caro Chabad Folsom Jewish Olympia Jewish Mansfeild Chabad Baton Rouge Chabad Omaha Chabad of Clinton Chabad of Old Tappan